The Greyest Day of the Year
Hartwall Original Long Drink announces the second Saturday of November to be the greyest day of the year. A study conducted with Foreca revealed that Finland is one of the greyest countries in Europe and the occasion is announced as a national celebration for Finns. On this day we can be proud of our grey national weather.
The greyest day of the year is celebrated on November 12th throughout Finland. Finns get together all over the country to raise a grey toast to their grey national weather. Restaurants will open up their terraces to make it possible to sit out side and enjoy the grey weatherone last time before the long winter.
Later in 2019, the Greyest Day of the Year charms in Cannes and wins the Heavent Awards.
Original Long Drink’s the Greyest Day of the Year is awarded on March 28thin Cannes in the international and respected Heavent Awards competition as the best multichannel event of 2018. Finnish production charms the jury and the global audience by capturing 78% of the category’s total scores. The Greyest Day of the Year becomes one of the most famous brand works in 2018, by encouraging over 200 000 Finns to celebrate out national weather.